Hey Abandoned,
Looks like we're posting back and forth. Thanx for posting on Jealousy. I love people too and love to write since this is my new life, but I'm OK with the fact that not every one will become my friend. I guess part of the thought behind the new thread is that I used to get jealous of someone who was paid more attention than me. But you see, at this point in my life---20 years older than you---I'm no longer dealing with what you're going through. I survived your current situation and pain. And so will you! I'm so happy that everyone is supporting you. I take what I learn here and tactfully, or openly, share it with those who do not know the wisdom of the information highway. My pain now is illness, getting old and dying, not that I'm morbid or anything. Just that I gave up my career and such---on stage for 10 years. Composer, like you. But it's okay. My life now is here with you and all my other new friends. And I'm not worried about reciprocation. I throw in my two cents and like you, I've got spunk. Don't you just love Mouthy?
Will you be my friend?,